7 Feb
Winter blues have turned into pure joy with comfortable saddles and happy horses!
19 Nov
With winter just around the corner, we need to consider what they need to do to care for their horses throughout the colder months. Winter brings tough conditions, and different horses require different care to be able to cope with these conditions. So, what can we do?
9 Sep
Many people have horses as pets, but the question is why? Why are they such good pets? Why do so many people want horses? Here are 5 reasons to why horses make the best pets.
8 Sep
Farms and ranches with horses require lots of care when changing seasons, this is because not preparing properly could leave your horse ill and poorly all season.
25 Aug
Do you want to get some of our rubber grip reins but not too sure on them? Well just read here and this blog will tell you everything you need to know about them and if they’re the right thing for you!
23 Aug
If you need to clean your horses hooves but aren’t sure on the correct way, don’t worry. Just read here and follow this step by step guide.
18 Aug
Here we will be exploring our amazing Pony jump saddle. If you want to learn, but only have a pony, don’t let that stop you. You can get everything you need right here with us.
16 Aug
When you’re out and about on your horse, you could come across water you need to cross, and if your horse isn’t taught and ready it could put an end to your journey. Training your horse to cross water will open up where you can take your horse.
19 Jul
Every person has their own habits that they can’t stop, but some habits might have a big affect on your riding. Take a look here to see if you’re doing any of these.
14 Jul
When choosing a girth for your horse or pony there are a few things to take into consideration. There are many different girth options to choose from, leather or Synthetic, Shaped, With Elastic, Without Elastic and so on. It is important to make the right choice as if this is not correct it could have an impact on the way your saddle fits and even can even affect you horse behavior.